About The Author

My Vision

Every business has a reason it was formed….  Someone’s experience molds each and every business on the planet…   My experience molded my vision for this blog…   I suffered a horrific experience with Lyme disease and ONLY through natural options am I alive today.  I feel EVERY living soul on earth deserves to know the potency of herbs, oils, & magic…..Hence, The Appalachian Sage blog ….May you learn something along the way….

My Story

I came from a Southern family, raised on a small horse/tobacco farm in the foothills of Kentucky…I have two very responsible parents that have been together for over 63 years.  I am a daughter, sister, mother, aunt, grandmother, and wife.  I balance all of these ‘hats’, including a pointed one…lol.   I’ve lived a wonderful life, yet, I’ve had much health tragedy that I have worked hard to overcome during the past 6 years of my life.   This tragedy turned out to be the greatest lesson and blessing I could have ever experienced… I temporarily lost my vision, hearing, ability to walk, and ability to talk…  My husband packed me when I needed to get out of bed.  No doctor in my state would touch me with CHRONIC Lyme.   (The medical system only allows them to treat Lyme for 28 days, PERIOD.)   I had to go outside of Kentucky, where I found only ONE physician in the entire neighboring state that  I went too, that treats Lyme correctly.  He had a daughter that experienced this demonic disease and therefore, felt compelled to help others ‘outside the box’.  God Bless the physicians that do this….. For, they risk having their license revoked for doing so.

I know that it sounds ironic to say that having such a tragedy could end up being the best learning experience that I could have ever known… However, if not for my health tragedy, I would have never realized such ‘TRUTHS outside of mainstream medicine’.   I had been a student of medicine and was so blind at that time, that I would have never opened up to such an awakening had I not been trying to survive myself.  I would still be a ‘sheeple’ to the system…  Thank GOD, I awakened… I have learned profound truths that are far beyond the ‘veil of our routine fabricated reality’ that most of the world lives in today…   I feel that God has a special plan for me and that is to spread the information on the potency of his ‘natural farmacy’ that he designed so meticulously for mankind…

Large corporate entities work hard at wiping out the information of natural healing in our world today… They strive to be the only option….  I want to be just one of the ‘small torch’s’ that continue to pass ancient natural healing knowledge to both, young & old alike….   I am not an expert, by no means, but I am an advocate for nature.   I cannot do it alone, but with effort, I can make a dent in a world that is quickly changing.  Kind of like ‘the butterfly effect’ ……We all ‘matter’ and so does our every action and thought.  The ancient natural medicinal secrets need to be continually passed forward with love, respect, & dedication…..



Hi, I’m the author of The Appalachian Sage.   I answer to ‘Nana’ to 6 beautiful grandchildren …lol…   I’ve lived a rather interesting life in my 55 years.  I became a Wife & Mom at 17 years of age…. My son is 37 years old now and has 6 of his own children… (All homeschooled and he makes a 6 figure income, so I think I did well as a Mom.  I taught him to work hard and dig for himself..No one gave it to him, he earns it every day of his life.)

I’ve dabbled around a bit in my career span… I was in sales mostly in one capacity or another until becoming a US Merchant Marine working on the cruise ships for a major cruise line.   I spent much of my adult life raising my son as a single parent.   I did whatever I had to do to pay the bills and sometimes that meant 2-3 jobs.   I worked the factories, scale clerk for a world size rock quarry, sold insurance/real estate/makeup/home decor, cleaned homes/offices, shot photography across the US, and even read tarot cards…   I lived a simple life and worked paycheck to paycheck until working on the cruise ships.  I called a trailer ‘home’ for years.  I was raised on a farm that has been in my family for well over 200 years, but as an adult, I spent a few years owning a mobile home in a local mobile home park.  I’ve lived well and I’ve lived not so well.   I’ve washed my clothes in the creek and fed my newborn son cow’s milk because I couldn’t afford formula and I was raised not to use the government ‘freebie’ program. So, yes, I know what it’s like to have nothing and I know what it’s like to be comfortable.  I’ve just never been ‘rich’ yet to tell you what that’s like.  LOL…

Life changed for me when I remarried in Romania, after 16 years of being single.  I brought my husband to the US and he lightened the financial load for me for the first time in years…  However, 6 years ago, I was hit by the ravaging tragedy of Lyme disease and several confections…  Only through my constant dedicated mindset & self-propelled research did I get diagnosed properly, tested properly, and treated correctly…   (NO thanks to the US medical system that does not acknowledge CHRONIC LYME),

Most people don’t even realize that a physician cannot treat Lyme after 28 days or could stand to lose their medical licensing.  YES, Lyme politics is a huge secret that the ‘system’ doesn’t talk about and believe me, they have several large entities working in unison to keep it a hush, hush disease…  Lyme has DEEP political ties.  Someday you may see behind the ‘veil’ of deceit yourself and realize just how we have all been manipulated.

I spent up to 16 hrs a day for 5 years reading & researching ALL options to heal from this demonic situation with Lyme disease.  I continue to learn daily.  I am a ‘LIFETIME STUDENT’ ….That is just my nature.  I tried many treatments in my ongoing search to heal.  I learned so much during those years and I just want to share my love for nature and the treatments that I have used along with my long march back to wellness…    I love learning and I have a very optimistic open minded personality.  I love people and I try to always accept you where you stand…   I work hard not to judge, but to accept.   I live by ‘the golden rule’ and expect the same from others…

I hope you enjoy my blog and I ask that if you gain something good from reading my articles, that you pass my blog along to family & friends.   It is my desire to share natural healing options to all that will open their heart and minds…  There is so much ancient knowledge that has been hidden to the younger generations of today. In addition, this lifesaving information has also been hidden from previous generations spanning back to when the corporate medical entities were first organized… Many of us have not been privy to the secret wisdom of nature, period….

I cannot stress enough to teach your children natural healing options, share with your family & friends the ‘old ways’ of healing with nature, and strive to continue educating yourself each and every day….Don’t let the TRUTH IN HEALING be lost to corporate greed and misinformation…. God promised healing via the plants…….HAVE FAITH & EDUCATE YOURSELF ABOUT NATURE….  There are some very potent components in plant life that can help to sustain human life…..KNOW THEM!! The ‘big boys’ won’t be teaching them to you.  Its up to YOU to learn yourself and teach your children, grandchildren, church groups, and neighbors.

Enjoy reading my articles….May you be blessed always….God be with us all……Some blog posts on this site will go into depth more than others, but I hope to leave you thirsty for learning all that you can learn about natural healing options.