I am not a doctor, lawyer, nor a Barista…I do NOT know how to plumb a house nor install electricity. In fact, I won’t even attempt painting. I only want to share my love for herbs, essential oils, and the healing options that I chose in my wellness quest. The ones that I’ve used and benefited from along MY personal health journey…
You MUST seek to discuss ALL health options with your medical professional for all questions pertaining to your personal health. This site is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!! Nothing on this site is meant to prevent, diagnose, treat nor cure any health issue. NOTHING about or on this site is meant to be taken as medical advice. I am merely sharing my health journey and the love of NATURAL OPTIONS. I believe in ‘big pharma’ when it is needed. I also believe in DOING BOTH pharma and NATURAL options. These are personal beliefs and you need to research thoroughly before deciding on your belief. I see through the ‘veil’ and chose to ignore ‘peer-reviewed’ information at certain times. However, I’m not advising you to do so. I know how to look ‘between the lines’ and take responsibility for my own decisions. I do not and will not take responsibility for anyone else’s decisions, other than for my personal self. I’m not against something simply because the big ‘ABC’ organization hasn’t approved it. I listen to mass testimony and rate those mass results over the so-called ‘disapproval or approval’ of the grand ‘powers that be’ organization. I do NOT trust in the corporations and organizations that rule our world today. EDUCATE YOURSELF!!
Nothing I say, write, or insinuate is meant to be medical advice. ALL questions pertaining to medicine must be discussed with your own medical doctor before attempting anything in regards to your health. Again, I’m ONLY sharing what I use and things that I believe in as I travel along my own health pathway. This blog is for educational purposes ONLY and NOT a substitute for licensed medical advice.